With its success with tethered balloons, Aerophile launches, almost 20 years after its creation, the first aerobar in the world: the Aerobar. It is a tethered balloon surrounded by a metal structure 35 meters high, in which a basket can carry up to 16 passengers.
This attraction incorporates the plans of the Aerophare, the first tethered balloon system sliding in a metal tower. The first Aerobar was designed and installed for the Futuroscope Park, a tourist destination of excellence to test this new innovation. It has also been used as the icon of the advertising campaign of the 2nd largest park in France.
The Aerobar has, very quickly, established itself as an exceptional public attraction, able to operate up to 70 km / h of wind. So Jerome Giacomoni and Matthieu Gobbi, co-founders of Aerophile, decided to install a new Aerobar in their own amusement park, the Parc du Petit Prince, opened in 2014, in Alsace.
Since then, many Aerobars have sprung up in Asia, the Middle East, North and Latin America.